It doesn't take long to see that I LOVE animals! My clothes are covered with lots of loose fur.
I wear a lot of black, and the hair used to not be a problem when I had three black cats. Then we rescued this little tuxie kitten and his tabby mom, and I had to rethink my wardrobe.
I wear a lot of black, and the hair used to not be a problem when I had three black cats. Then we rescued this little tuxie kitten and his tabby mom, and I had to rethink my wardrobe.

Later we started rescuing Malamutes, and I gave up on the wardrobe and bought a heavy-duty vacuum cleaner. Not only does it not put a dent in the fallen fur, it scares the bejeebers out of the dogs. Just call me the Furry Dogmother.
Cats and dogs are as integral a part of my world as loose hair is to my clothes. My favorite black cat, Ben Jamin, was a writing partner for 15 years. He was always there; his purple satin pillow took up one third of my desk, situated strategically under the lamp. He would flop down and soak up the heat while I banged away at the computer. He was the inspiration for my cartoon character Scratch, the big blue cat.
Cats and dogs are as integral a part of my world as loose hair is to my clothes. My favorite black cat, Ben Jamin, was a writing partner for 15 years. He was always there; his purple satin pillow took up one third of my desk, situated strategically under the lamp. He would flop down and soak up the heat while I banged away at the computer. He was the inspiration for my cartoon character Scratch, the big blue cat.

In addition to curating the "Cranky Cat Collection", Jules Verne and Sasha Roomba, a scruffy little long-haired feral cat who dusts under all of my furniture for me, we recently adopted Loki, a black and white tuxie cat who is the lord of misrule in our home. Our newest kit is a little girl cat named Kirby.
We also have a Malamute-mix, Koda, that looks very much like a wolf, but thinks he is one of the cats! The cats pick on him and push him around unmercifully.
We also have a Malamute-mix, Koda, that looks very much like a wolf, but thinks he is one of the cats! The cats pick on him and push him around unmercifully.

We rescued him when he was about three hours away from being put to sleep at a kill shelter in Utah. Moonsong Malamute Rescue helped us find him, and we drove 5 hours to pick him up. He's the greatest dog!
If you ever decide to adopt a furry friend, please consider a rescued dog or cat. They make the best buddies, ever!
I live in Idaho with my hubby, son Erik, four xxxtra-spoiled cats, and a neurotic Malamutant. When I'm not writing, I practice Shaolin martial arts, research my Dutch ancestry, garden, or tickle my cats' fancies with a touch of catnip.
If you ever decide to adopt a furry friend, please consider a rescued dog or cat. They make the best buddies, ever!
I live in Idaho with my hubby, son Erik, four xxxtra-spoiled cats, and a neurotic Malamutant. When I'm not writing, I practice Shaolin martial arts, research my Dutch ancestry, garden, or tickle my cats' fancies with a touch of catnip.

Just about the time I think I might be able to take a quick break from writing, it's August, and the tomatoes are turning red faster than pink flamingoes eating hot peppers. I spend oodles and gobs of time in the kitchen, canning hundreds of pounds of tomato stew-goo (and pumpkin stew-goo too). Whew!

It's pretty scary going out to the garden and wading through a sea of twining vines, wondering if they are going to grab ya and pull you in. So now you know where I got the inspiration for the Meantown Pumpkin Fling.
morgandetyens.com copyright 2013 by K.L.Dougall